Friday, August 19, 2011

Jada the Chocolate Skunk

Jada is our new beautiful four month old chocolate skunk.  Never in my life did I think I would ever own a skunk, but as it turns out, now that I have her, I wouldn't be without her.  She is such a darling!  She's also highly inquisitive-gets into EVERYTHING, very playful, and eats like there is no tomorrow!  And poops like there is no tomorrow, as well.

I have to admit, I was unprepared for the true nature of skunk poop.  I was expecting them to be much more efficient digesters, like rabbits or such.  Instead, their poop looks more like a dog's, I would say, and it is about as messy to clean up.

I've also learned that a skunk can put the phrase "stubborn as a mule" to shame when she sets her mind to it.  Once she sets a path, she will follow that path, come hell or high water!  If Jada is determined to do something, like get underneath the dresser drawer, it doesn't matter how many obstacles I set in her path, she will find away around them all to achieve her end goal.

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